What is a good night's sleep worth?

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Canadian rapper Drake paid $620,000 for his new mattress!

I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly going to sleep better at night knowing Canadian rapper Drake is sleeping on a mattress that costs more than some houses.  
According to Architectural Digest, which took a tour of Drake’s ostentatious abode for their April edition, he sleeps on a custom-designed Swedish number by luxury bed makers Hästens.

With it’s equally ostentatious name — The Grand Vividus — and equally ostentatious price tag of US$400,000 (AUD$620,000), he hits that mattress to “decompress” after a long, hard day of being incredibly rich.

“[It’s] where I open my eyes to seize the day,” Drake said.

Who wouldn’t wake up like a king knowing they could blow the cost of 219 return flights to the UK on something they spend eight hours a night drooling into?

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